How to work with UBX and earn up to R$65 for 10 minutes of work: a paid platform via Pix?

Nowadays, the internet gives people access to various ways to earn money. In this way, residents have the possibility to make a profit without having to leave the house to do so. Innovations span many different fields and types of services, which may or may not require prior experience for this role.

One of the most common, for example, is through apps and platforms that pay the user to perform certain activities or suggested goals. There are other options that are able to connect between people who want to sell their services and people interested in buying the service, and this is the case with UBX.

Check out the details about UBX / image: disclosure.

What is UBX?

UBX (Ubook Exchange) is an online platform that has the ability to connect authors and narrators so that literary titles can be published in audio format. This possibility occurs remotely, i.e. without necessarily having to leave their homes until they can complete the service. The platform is currently the largest in Latin America.

UBX allows both authors and storytellers to use it to make a profit. In the case of authors, it is possible to either upload audios from the book or suggest a show to find someone to narrate it. This person is the narrator.

This way, storytellers can access the platform to check out the available offerings to tell the book. To be able to search for narration offers, simply access the platform and access the “I’m a Narrator or Producer” part. Then you can better understand how UBX works.

Thus, the narrator, when he has finished creating his profile, can begin to record the audios and send them to the authors, to try to get a job. After submitting, the narrator awaits a response from the author’s choice or a suggestion from the Ubook.

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How much can you earn?

The value is variable. In general, when registering a show in UBX, the author has the possibility to launch two commercial models. In the first form, a lump sum payment is proposed to the narrator. On the other hand, in the second model there is a division of profits, by which the narrator can earn a premium on the title rights of the book.

And so the division is done as follows: the author and the narrator each receive 25%. The narrator can see which of the offers are being made before sending the audio and accepting the service.

To access the UBX platform, you can use the link: On the page, you can search for offers and find fixed payments in the amount of R$65, R$200, R$300 and even R$1,000.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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